More from Last Week’s House Session

The following was sent to all House Republicans! House Republicans, There is one thing that is clear this year, and it’s that Republicans are winning. We are sticking to those promises that we campaigned on in 2020, and we are showing voters that we can be trusted...

Day One of 3-day House Session – Budget Passed

Promises Made, Promises Kept If you are a NH Republican, today was a very good day. Not a single vote lost. Of most importance? Today the NH House passed the House Republican’s proposed budget. While there has been a lot of things said about the budget, I want to be...

“Shut Up and Mind Your Business!”

“SHUT UP AND MIND YOUR BUSINESS!” Business, not as in the “stay out of my personal life” sense, but business in the sense of a company or a trade. Remember the phrase “shut up and sing” that was popular around the time when Hollywood, musicians and singers believed we...

Right to Work Press Release

For Immediate Release March 30, 2021 Contact: (603) 271-3665 House Labor Committee Approves Right-To-Work Legislation Concord, NH – House Senior Majority Advisor and 36 year union member Representative Len Turcotte (R-Barrington) released the following statement...