Workforce Housing Legislation Explained (HB586)

For anyone who wishes to get into the nuts and bolts of HB586, I have received a brilliant, and extremely detailed, explanation from a guy in Hollis who has served on planning and zoning boards for years. If you want a pdf copy, just email me at the address shown on...

Feel-good Economic Policies: $15 Minimum Wage and Job Losses

In the “be careful what you wish for” department: “The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office released a report in early February reviewing the financial burden of a minimum wage increase proposal. This analysis discovered a $15 minimum wage would...

Democrats Fail at Their Latest “Delay and Obstruct” Antics

A lawsuit filed last week by 6 Democrats looking to obtain a TRO or preliminary injunction on this week’s House Session was rejected. The Federal judge’s last line of the 15 page brief: CONCLUSION Plaintiffs’ motion for a temporary restraining order or...

Speaker Packard Names 15 Member Redistricting Committee NH Primary Source: Speaker Packard names 15-member NH House Redistricting Committee Panel will propose new NH House district boundaries for the...

Barrington Teachers and Administration Deserve Vaccine Priority

After discussing the situation with Superintendent Moulis and School Board Chairman Gibson, I received the letter below. I am in full agreement and have forwarded their letter along with my personal endorsement of the letter’s contents to Governor Sununu: Those...

Education Freedom Accounts – Quick Overview Dee Jurius & Jason Bedrick: Education Freedom Accounts would give everyone a choice SO...