For anyone who wishes to get into the nuts and bolts of HB586, I have received a brilliant, and extremely detailed, explanation from a guy in Hollis who has served on planning and zoning boards for years. If you want a pdf copy, just email me at the address shown on...
In the “be careful what you wish for” department: “The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office released a report in early February reviewing the financial burden of a minimum wage increase proposal. This analysis discovered a $15 minimum wage would...
A lawsuit filed last week by 6 Democrats looking to obtain a TRO or preliminary injunction on this week’s House Session was rejected. The Federal judge’s last line of the 15 page brief: CONCLUSION Plaintiffs’ motion for a temporary restraining order or... NH Primary Source: Speaker Packard names 15-member NH House Redistricting Committee Panel will propose new NH House district boundaries for the...
After discussing the situation with Superintendent Moulis and School Board Chairman Gibson, I received the letter below. I am in full agreement and have forwarded their letter along with my personal endorsement of the letter’s contents to Governor Sununu: Those... Dee Jurius & Jason Bedrick: Education Freedom Accounts would give everyone a choice SO...