Vax Mandate – Union Leader Op-Ed THE LATEST INSANITY emanating from the resident of the White House can only be described as dictatorial and tyrannical,...

Taxes and Class Warfare by Democrats

One of the most consistent and inaccurate claims by the left over the many past decades is that “the rich” don’t pay their “fair share” of taxes. The following graph taken from the IRS’s own data shows exactly the opposite. Class...

NH Will Fight Unconstitutional Biden “Mandates”

We are hearing the citizens of NH loud and clear, we will NOT be bound by the unconstitutional and tyrannical whims of our current President. The following is a statement from the NH House Majority office. Rep. Len Turcotte – Senior Advisor, House Majority...

Everyone back to work? Leftwing NH Group sues for more “Free Money”

As NH Businesses Beg for Workers, Progressive Group Sues to Keep Fed Unemployment Bonuses Flowing As NH Businesses Beg for Workers, Progressive Group Sues to Keep Fed Unemployment Bonuses Flowing Posted to Politics September 05, 2021 by Damien Fisher There’s lots of...

Education Freedom Accounts – Apply Now!

With the passage of HB2, the State of New Hampshire created the new Education Freedom Accounts (EFA) program to help expand educational opportunities for New Hampshire children. The application for the 2021-22 school year is now open and eligible families can apply to...